
Posts Tagged ‘Star Trek’

So, still no writing getting done as evidenced by the as of this month only blog entry. No really, this is frustrating. I wish I had more story posts for y’all but I am tapped out. So in the spirit of trying to get back to writing, I’m going to answer some questions from a tumblr ask in hopes it will spur me to get the creativity flowing.

Do you have a word-count goal for the upcoming year? ~ I’m going to try to exceed last year’s word count of 67.2K if at all possible. However, every year that I make it over 50K I consider it a success.

Will you participate in any fandom exchanges or fic challenges, etc? ~ If The 007 Fest is held again I might sign up. I might try to find a Star Trek challenge if I’m inclined. I really need to finish the Ineffable Inktober I started in 2019.

Do you anticipate writing for a new fandom this year? Which one? ~ I might try and write something for “The Boys” (the TV show)

Do you think you’ll stop writing for a fandom this year? Which one? ~ Hmm, this is a bit hard to answer but mostly no. I fall in and out of fixations with fandoms but I never really abandon them. There are quite a few that I belong to that I have never written a fic for, but there is always a possibility that I might write a fic for it.

Which WIP is first on your list to complete this year? Will you post a snippet? ~ I really want to complete “I’m a librarian, not a…” If you want a snippet from the chapter I’m working on, I posted some for WIP Wednesday.

Which yet-to-be-started fic is first on your list? ~ Currently, there is a small slutty 5+1 Star Trek fic I have sitting on the backburner. It is just an uninterrupted day away from coming into being. As for anything longer, I have an idea for a rather large crossover fic featuring Karl Urban characters.

Will you change anything about the way you interact with other writers? ~ Most likely not. I talk to some here and there, but I’m just not that chatty. I prefer to lurk.

Is there a story idea in your mental vault that you’ve never been brave enough to try writing? ~ At the moment I can’t think of anything. I pretty much take every idea that pops into my silly little head and run with it, even if it is just saving it in my prompt list.

Short term goals… what do you hope to complete this week? ~ Oh dear, if I don’t lose my mind because of my work I might try to add to or finish a chapter of something.

Would you like to try any new fanfic genres or tropes this year? ~ I have never written and completed a large fic where I have completely taken the characters out of their setting, for example, a coffee shop au or western au. So I might try that but I’m not sure if it going to happen anytime soon.

Will you change anything about the way you edit or rewrite this year? ~ Not at the moment. I use Grammarly to do most of my proofreading anyway. As I mentioned, I lurk a lot, so no beta.

Aside from fanfic, are there any other fan works you’d like to try creating? Fanart, or fanvids, gifsets, or podfic? ~ I’ve done a few atrocious drawings. I’ve created some mood boards; I’d really like to do one for each of my fics. If I ever have the time, gifsets might be in the future.

Do you foresee any personal or professional obstacles this year, that would keep you from creating fanworks? ~ I’m sincerely working towards changing jobs so I might have to push creating aside for a bit to study for some new qualifications.

Do you have that one fanfic that you wrote a ton for, ages ago, but never posted? Will this be the year, come hell or high water, that it WILL get finished and posted? ~ Yes! I have a Criminal Minds Supernatural crossover I wrote some time ago that I want to get done. It’s about eighty per cent completed and just needs some transitional gaps filled in.

Do you typically answer all comments/reviews individually? Do you plan to change the way you interact with your readers this year? ~ I try to answer them all. There are weeks/months where I neglect to answer a single one. Then afterwards, I don’t answer them because I feel bad about leaving them unanswered for such a long time. I don’t think this pattern will change anytime soon.

Do you typically post multi-chapters as you write, or finish it all and then start posting? Would you like to change your posting method? ~ I post as I write, mainly for two reasons that won’t likely change. I’m thirsty and I know what the thirst feels like. So as a fic writer I love to get my stuff out as soon as I’ve finished with it. I love sharing my stuff. And as a fic reader, I know what it’s like to have to wait for more!

Would you consider non-fandom writing events, like NaNoWriMo or writing contests? ~ I’ve endeavoured to do NaNo every year since I joined in 2009. I don’t see that changing anytime soon. Maybe this will be the year I finally finish a novel.

Any plans to work on original fiction this year? ~ Every year I tell myself I’m going to finish that novel I started in 2012, 2013, or 2015. So it’s always a possibility. I wrote some new poetry last year that I keep meaning to post. At some point, I may collect it all into an anthology and publish it with some of my photography.

So I think that is about all for now. Wishing everyone success in crushing their WIPs, until next time y’all!

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So as you may have noticed, month long hiatus in December plus a new year’s holiday weekend. I might have been just a tiny bit burnt out from NaNo. I’ve got so many plot bunnies in my head breeding away but no motivation nurture them. Also, depending on how crazy everything is, I think I may be doing these entries every other week, or twice a month. And as always, my work is a mess so I’ve been sleeping away my weekends again. This is me apologising and making excuses for the scarcity of blog posts.

Moving on to more relevant things, I’ve cycled back to my Star Trek hyperfixation. I’m trying to watch Enterprise, but seeing Scott Bakula just makes my brain think we are watching Quantum Leap. I’m wondering if I can just skip it and go straight to watching Discovery. I’m eager to see the mirror universe episodes, tumblr has spoilers all over the place and they are fanning my interest. I’m already enamoured of Hugh Culber without having even watched the show. I never did finish all of The Next Generation, Voyager, or all of the TNG movies, so the Picard series will have to wait for a while. I’m probably going to end up bingeing the original series again before everything else only because it’s always so satisfying to watch.

Let’s talk about shipping and the original ship couple. I’m still not a big spirk fan, James T. Kirk just doesn’t do it for me. I adore the Spock McCoy banter, I live for their witty repartee. I will always love DeForest Kelly’s Leonard McCoy, so as far as the original series goes, I’m a spones fan. However, AOS mcchekov will always be my number one ship. Despite the almost nonexistent interaction, I cannot help but pair my two favourite actors. Tangentially relating to this, the new movies all have very different feels to them. The 2009 reboot is mckirk all the way, Jim meeting Bones on the shuttle to Starfleet –chef’s kiss-. However, with Into Darkness, spirk is the flavour I get, the Spock Uhura relationship notwithstanding. In an inverse of the events of Wrath of Khan, it was nice to see Spock lose his shit over Jim’s death, even if it was temporary. It’s such a shame that Hollywood gave us yet another tired heterosexual relationship when there was so much queer potential there already. Beyond tried to make up for it with the Sulus, but I think the most redeeming aspect of the third movie was the Spock and McCoy interplay. We finally got some spones action! Saving each others lives, a heartfelt one on one, and kicking ass together, I was over the moon.

Well, enough of that for now, as my shipper heart might not be able to take it. Circling back to rare pairs and my fanfiction, in December I managed to post chapter two of “What Happens in Vegas“. I am planning to finish/expand “She’s Got Legs” at some point. I’ve updated the writing schedule to this effect, but don’t hold your breath. January is already a third of the way over and I haven’t posted anything except for this blog entry. On another note, since I’m revisiting the Star Trek fandom again, I’ve got a few new ideas. Only about half of them are SS Sam stories, the other half are mostly Star Trek centred, or at the very least Karl Urban characters centric. I’m thinking of making up another google doc of all the stories ideas I have yet to post. Speaking of which, feel free to comment on any of the existing shared prompt docs (SS Sam) I have up. Wishing everyone success in crushing their WIPs, until next time y’all!

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So as I finish out week two I am distressed to say that I did not catch up over the weekend. It was a relief to have two extra days off but not enough to make up the 7K I had fallen behind. At least I am only 3K behind now. I’m confident that even if I don’t reach the end goal that I will have at least spent some time writing everyday, which will be an amazing accomplishment for me.

This week I posted “The Perks of Unlocked Doors” which was the Teen Wolf Supernatural crossover starring Sam and Sheriff Stilinski. I’m veering into the Star Trek fandom again, despite the fact that my tumblr is almost seventy-five per cent Lord of the Rings at the moment. Due to that, I started the Star Trek Supernatural crossover, “I’m a librarian, not a…” McCoy is hands down my favourite character, and since I’m not pairing him with Pavel this time, the navigator is going to have a cameo of some sort. The story was initially going to be a one shot but I wanted to post something so I ended up breaking it into chapters. Chapters one and two are posted and I am working on the third. It’s standing at three at the moment but the plot seems to keep running away from me and finding more dimensions.  

The goals for this coming week are to finish the Star Trek fic and finish my Person of Interest fic, “Searching the Voids”. Hopefully, I will also have time to start a new[ish] show I have discovered called “The Alienist.” It’s been a while since I’ve developed a new hyperfixation. The schedule and the Sam prompt list have been updated if anyone wants to check it out. Anyhoo, may the words multiply like rabbits for all of y’all fellow Wrimos, good luck and keep going!

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