
Posts Tagged ‘tumblr’

So, current hyperfixations, this is a doozy. Sean Bean. I suppose this happened sometime in early June and hasn’t stopped since then. I watched Goldeneye again and was possessed to watch everything Sean Bean has been in. So, of course, I finally got around to watching the extended version of Lord of the Rings. Totally chickened out and shut it off right before the scene at Amon Hen where Boromir dies. Then I discovered The Frankenstein Chronicles on Netflix. What can I say? I still think he’s hot as an older man. It’s a very interesting take on the Frankenstein mythos. There are a good bit of historical events interwoven in the series which takes place around the mid-1830s. Bean’s character, John Marlott, is not a nice guy even though he is the protagonist. He’s not a bad guy either. The series is dark, there are some period typical religious overtones, and everyone is dirty and needs a bath or a good slap to the head.

I guess it was just luck that I stumbled upon the 007 Fest announcement shortly after that. Consequently, all of July was a barrage of James Bond material. Oddly enough, the titular character is not my favourite. I think I wrote some fantastic headcanons for Alec Trevelyan during this time. I finished a Goldeneye retcon fic that I was rather proud of called “Phantom Handler.” I also started another fic involving him and Mallory (the new M) called “Can’t Even Sit Straight.” I really wanted to do something different involving a romance between two older characters, one of whom is just discovering their sexuality. Also, purely because it’s interesting to me to do so, I’ve started constructing a timeline to insert Alec Trevelyan’s history into the current events of the Craig Bond’s series of movies.

As for other things Sean Bean has been in, I still need to watch Legends, because I’m a sucker for crime/thriller series. I have been told Broken is pretty good, it would be something different for me since I’m not too much of a slice of life drama fan. I’ve just recently seen gifsets going around on tumblr for World on Fire, it looks intriguing. Depending on how dedicated I am, I might rewatch both Silent Hill movies and finally get around to watching the Island. If I really want to go all out I might possibly search out some of his older works like Caravaggio, Anna Karenina, and Lady Chatterley. I am not going to rewatch the Sharpe miniseries only because I would never get any writing done at that point, but I will highly recommend it to anyone who likes period pieces. However, since I did watch Lord of the Rings again (and finally finished it), the current fic I’m trying to complete is “The Destiny of a King.” I am retconning Boromir’s death because of total self-indulgence. I love giving my favourite characters happy endings and it’s a wonderful opportunity to add to my Sam Winchester soulmate series.

This brings me to my ongoing hyperfixation. Sam Winchester. Y’all are probably going to get tired of me going on about Sam. Sundays on my tumblr are all posts and meta about Sam Winchester. I have an entire series of fics dedicated to the tag Sam Winchester Deserves Happiness. My Adventures of the Sailing Ship Sam Series is where I can indulge my fandom bicycle crossover multi shipper fascination to my heart’s content. Please check out my prompt list on this series if you are interested in future fics. So why I am so keen on it? Sam has many unexplored storylines, his character development is emotionally rich but outside of that it’s still vague enough to build on, also the writers of Supernatural have written him slightly enough out of the main character role that he can be taken anywhere. Really, that is where it gets interesting. There are so many opportunities in Sam’s storyline that he can break from his current life and go elsewhere. With my tendency to want to fix canon, Sam Winchester is one of the perfect characters to write with.

Well, enough of that for now, tons of meta has been written and that is not for this post. Check out this tag here on my tumblr if you want to read random things I post about my fics. Next time, I hope to talk about some of my old works and the current editing I’ve been doing on them. Also, I might get into some of my original writing and talk a little about a controversial subject that I’ve been seeing floating around tumblr recently. Plot bunnies abound, until next time y’all!

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So I have decided to dump all of my fandom ramblings here. I am hoping to update once a week on what I’ve been doing. I’ve been in fandom quite a while, for over thirty years at least, and I think I am just now getting my act together when it comes to what I want out of the experience. I recently participated in a fandom festival and it brought into focus what I really enjoy about fandom. I love writing and creating things, not only for others to consume but also for my own enjoyment. So in the spirit of trying to get this writing thing off to a good start, I thought I would regale everyone with my start in fandom.

A lot of my earliest fandoms were anime and manga, but I think my writing really took off with some of the television shows in the late 90s to the early 2000s. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, X-Files and Stargate SG1 were all shows that I enjoyed. I know that at the height of its popularity I had attended an X-Files convention and that was one of my first exposures to fan culture outside of my group of friends gathering for Friday night viewings. I think one of the first fandoms I ever wrote for was actually Firefly. Until then, I was mostly unaware of online forums and did not even know Livejournal existed. I wrote simply for my own satisfaction.

Somewhere around 2004, I went to an anime convention in Los Angeles and a wonderful group of fans introduced me to Fanfiction.net. At this point, I was writing quite a bit but did not feel confident about posting anything. It wasn’t until I discovered Criminal Minds that I seriously considered putting my writing out there. Somewhere around 2008, I posted my first story on Fanfiction.net, and for the next four years, I pretty much posted into the void.

I’m not a social person, so most of my fan experience comes from online. Somewhere around 2010, I discovered tumblr and my exposure to ship wars and fandom meta began. At this point in my life, my depression and work demands were making me escape into the internet more and more. I binged my first six seasons of Supernatural and that was the when my writing took off in earnest. Then the purge of adult content happened on Fanfiction.net in 2012 and more than half of my writing was wiped. I briefly moved everything over to Adultfanfiction.net but I continued posting at Fanfiction.net with censored stories.

November of 2012 rolled around and I finished my first NaNoWriMo since I joined in 2009. I was ecstatic. It also introduced me to Archive of Our Own (AO3). I pretty much abandoned the other sites for AO3. I continued posting fanfiction blissfully ignoring fandom nonsense until about 2015. About this time tumblr nerfed my original url due to adult content. I was mildly unhappy but created the one I am currently at. Somewhere around then, I stopped writing altogether for about four years due to real-life issues. I abandoned posting on tumblr around two years later because it wasn’t fun anymore.

So my latest re-entry into fandom was because of Good Omens. I had read the book when it was first released and I was delighted that they made it into a miniseries. Suddenly my interest was piqued again and I started catching up on my favourite shows like Supernatural. I became a bitter Sam girl overnight. I dove back into tumblr looking for fanart and wanting to reconnect with old fandoms. This is what lead me to my current situation. I began a massive crossover series and started to re-visit some of my older favourites in relation to that. In the process, I stumbled over the 007 Fest and my writing took off again.

Hopefully, this anecdote hasn’t been too tedious. So for the next post, I was thinking of discussing my tentative writing schedule and current hyperfixations. The most recent indicator is always what I’m posting on tumblr. Plot bunnies abound, until next time y’all!

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